Uber Self-Driving Car Tests Resume in San Francisco After Crash

Uber Self-Driving Car Tests Resume in San Francisco After Crash

by Alistair Barr March 27, 2017, 9:28 AM PDT

Uber Technologies Inc.’s self-driving cars were back on public roads Monday morning in San Francisco, three days after a crash in Arizona put the company’s testing program on hold.

"We are resuming our development operations in San Francisco this morning," an Uber spokeswoman wrote in an email.

Uber’s self-driving vehicle testing efforts are still on pause in Tempe, Arizona, and Pittsburgh, but the company expects those to resume soon.

One of Uber’s Volvo self-driving SUVs was involved in a high-impact crash on Friday in Tempe. The vehicle was not responsible for the incident and there were no injuries, Tempe police said. Another car failed to yield for the Uber car, causing the autonomous vehicle to flip on its side, according to the police report.


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