Steve Case: 'Third wave' of Internet will help Middle America business
Steve Case: 'Third wave' of Internet will help Middle America business Jessica Guynn and Jon Swartz , USA TODAY Published 7:00 a.m. ET June 29, 2017 | Updated 15 hours ago More Silicon Valley engineers and entrepreneurs are headed to America's heartland for their tech startups. Travis McCleery and Nick Solaro, both working in Columbus, Ohio, explain why. USA TODAY SAN FRANCISCO — Steve Case, who helped foment the Internet age as AOL's co-founder, has crisscrossed the country the last few years championing a new revolution: the third wave of the Internet. Just as the technology boom lifted the economies of Silicon Valley, New York and other coastal cities, its latest iteration will benefit the Midwest and other pockets of the U.S. as health care, energy, agriculture, education and other industries become ripe for disruption. Such is the thesis of his 3-year-old initiative, Rise of the Rest. In an interview with USA TODAY, Case discussed the rise of t