Dark Days Ahead for the Internet?
This blog posting can be read online at AccountingWEB: http://www.accountingweb.com/blogs/kengaren/techwise/dark-days-ahead-internet Could one of the Internet's better kept secrets - the push by totalitarian countries to establish international control over the Internet - result in dark days ahead for the Internet? There has been a movement afoot by the United Nations to seize control of the core Internet services. This movement, spearheaded by mostly the totalitarian countries, is taking aim at controlling what information citizens have access to, including news, historical information and social networking. For example, this movement could impact Twitter access, which would result in citizens not being able to tweet about showing up at a demonstration. The United States has not participated in this movement, and has yet to appoint a person to lead the U.S. delegation that will be voting on this in the near future. According to a recent article written by Robert Mc