'Flying brain' blasts off on cargo ship toward space station HAL-like robot to help astronauts...

'Flying brain' blasts off on cargo ship toward space station By Kerry SHERIDAN AFP • June 29, 2018 German Chancellor Angela Merkel interacts with CIMON, a "floating brain" device designed to aid astronauts aboard the International Space Station, while visiting an aerospace exhibit in Berlin in April 2018 (AFP Photo/John MACDOUGALL) Tampa (AFP) - A ball-shaped artificial intelligence robot nicknamed the "flying brain" because it is trained to follow and interact with a German astronaut blasted off Friday toward the International Space Station aboard SpaceX's Dragon cargo ship. A spare hand for the station's robotic arm, an experiment to measure plant stress and a study of a new cancer treatment were also on board as the Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 5:42 am (0942 GMT). "We have ignition and liftoff! The Falcon 9 rocket powers the Dragon spacecraft toward the International Space Station," s...