Facebook Wants to Help Sell Every Ad on the Web - Trackibg Non Users
Facebook Wants to Help Sell Every Ad on the Web The social network will show ads to non-Facebook users on other websites By JACK MARSHALL May 27, 2016 12:00 a.m. ET Facebook has set out to power all advertising across the Internet. To that end, the social network and online advertising company said Thursday it will now help marketers show ads to all users who visit websites and applications in its Audience Network ad network. Previously Facebook only showed ads to members of its social network when they visited those third-party properties. The change is a subtle one, but it could mean Facebook will soon help to sell and place a much larger portion of the video and display ads that appear across the Internet. The change will also intensify competition with Alphabet Inc. subsidiary Google, which dominates the global digital-advertising market, and a wide range of other online ad specialists. “Publishers and app developers have some users who aren’t Facebook users.