Astrophysicist claims to be close to building a time machine
Astrophysicist claims to be close to building a time machine Story by By Walla! • March 29, 2023 12:32 PM You won't need to get a DeLorean from Back to the Future, but maybe something similar is on the way. Prof. Ron Mallett believes that he has found the equation to make time travel possible, even if it's highly unlikely to happen during his lifetime. The researcher believes that he finally cracked the code which will enable time travel after he had a revelation while being hospitalized. Ronald Mallet, an astrophysicist who dedicated most of his adult life to proving that time travel is possible, found scientific equations and principles with whose help he says it will be possible to build a real and functioning time machine. Mallett dedicated his life to time travel Even though he recognizes that his designs and theories will probably not make time travel possible during his lifetime, he has been working on his ambitious project for years, in parallel to a respectable...