Hyperloop One claims its first successful test run
Hyperloop One claims its first successful test run
A sled hit 70 MPH at Devloop in Nevada this past May.
By Timothy J. Seppala, @timseppala July 12, 2017
The potential of Hyperloop is an easy sell, but until now
we haven't seen Hyperloop One's proposed mag-lev transit system in action. The
company has announced that on May 12th it completed its first full-scale test.
The sled hit 70 MPH, in a vacuum, at the company's Nevada testing facility,
according to The Verge. No, it's nowhere near the ultimate 750 MPH goal, but
like the SpaceX project and its myriad test launches, this represents an
important milestone along the path toward rapid travel. Next up? Getting the
newly designed aluminum-and-carbon-fiber pods to 250 MPH. Baby steps.
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