Wearable technology: Latest devices allow employers to track behavior of their workers and predict performance
Wearable technology: Latest devices allow employers to
track behaviour of their workers
Process of monitoring employees' productivity is called
'human optimisation'
REPORTER Friday 14 August 2015
In the past, companies looking to increase the
productivity of their staff may not have stretched much further than a modest
increase to the Christmas bonus pot or the installation of a new coffee
But the dawn of wearable technology has led to the
creation of devices capable of building up workers’ personalised biological
profiles, allowing them to analyse when they are at their peak and when they
are having an off-day. It is being called “human optimisation”.
The innovation, which is already used by elite sports
teams around the world to ensure that their athletes are in top condition ahead
of big matches or races, is attracting the interest of hedge funds, banks,
consultancies and call centres across the UK.
Dr John Coates, a fellow in neuroscience and finance at
the University of Cambridge who specialises in the biology of risk taking and
stress, said he is now getting “about one call a week” from financial
institutions, healthcare companies and tech firms interested in applying his
research in the workplace.
“Up to now, if you weren’t doing well at your job, most
people thought the corrective was more information or better reasoning, some
kind of psychological intervention,” he told The Independent. “People are just
wrapping their brain around this idea that if your body’s a mess, you’re not
going to do very well at anything cognitive.”
Previously, wearable technology has focused on improving
basic efficiency or safety in the workplace – but the new gadgets could allow
firms to link their staff’s behaviour and physiological data to their business
performance for the first time, even alerting them if they are in need of a day
Much of the interest has come from high-risk financial
businesses, whose staff are placed under enormous pressure. If the technology
works, a wearable gadget could potentially warn a stock market trader to slow
down if they are not performing at their best – and give them a green light
when they are “in the zone”.
As well as analysing the wearer’s current biological
signals, the technology could also predict what their physical state might be
days ahead of a crucial meeting. Sports teams and athletes already do this, but
do not like boasting about their results.
“The public doesn’t really know what’s going on in sports
physiology because the really good ones don’t publish – they want gold medals,”
Dr Coates said. “I’m working with some really good ones, and what they know
right now is extraordinary. They can predict whether an athlete’s going to be
in the zone in three days’ time, and if he or she isn’t going to be in the zone
they know how to put them there. That’s going to happen in the work world.”
Products offering biological monitoring are already on
the market. A firm called Equivital makes a chest-mounted wearable sensor that
measures heart rate, stress, breathing, skin temperature and body position.
Humanyze, meanwhile, makes “smart work badges” containing microphones so
employees’ voices can be analysed.
Chris Brauer, director of innovation at Goldsmiths,
University of London, said financial traders may soon produce their own
“biometric CVs” to prove to prospective employers that they have what it takes
to cope with stress – in much the same way that a sports star’s medical
information might be handed over when they sign with a new team.
“It’s not just about other people learning about what
makes their employees productive,” he said. “When workers learn about
themselves and get intra-personal knowledge about their own habits and what
makes them perform to a higher standard, they find that incredibly insightful.”
Worn on wrist. The Wellograph Watch is a health focused activity tracker that provides users with insightful real-time information through it's simple infographic interface. smartwatch