Free Speech Documentary Film - Sharyl Attkisson Van Jones, Cornel West and Jordan Peterson Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager

Sharyl Attkisson to Make Film Debut in Doc About Free Speech

by Paul Bond 6:05 AM PDT 4/25/2018

Van Jones, Cornel West and Jordan Peterson also have joined 'No Safe Spaces,' a film by comedian Adam Carolla and radio host Dennis Prager.

Sharyl Attkisson, who famously left CBS News and wrote a best-selling book alleging liberal bias in journalism, will make her film debut in No Safe Spaces, a humorous documentary about political correctness at universities.

Also joining the movie are liberal activist Cornel West and Van Jones, the CNN contributor who was President Obama's special adviser for green jobs. In fact, judging from a two-minute teaser trailer, filmmakers Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager assembled stars from the right and the left to speak their piece about free speech.

Attkisson is seen in the trailer amid scenes of chaos at various universities claiming that "the First Amendment is under assault," while Jones speaks of college kids who demand to be "emotionally safe." West, meanwhile, derides "conformity" and "cowardliness," and Jordan Peterson, a rising conservative star, also makes an appearance.

Jones, West and Attkisson join liberal attorney Alan Dershowitz and actor-comedian Tim Allen, who previously agreed to appear in No Safe Spaces.

In the trailer, which is set for an official debut on Carolla's podcast, Allen is seen in a roundtable discussion with other comedians lamenting that there are jokes they cannot tell on college campuses because they are deemed hate speech, and Allen asks: "Isn't it spooky we're having this discussion?"

The film, angling for a fall theatrical release, will feature lots of footage of college students shouting down conservative speakers like Ann Coulter and Ben Shapiro, and it will also allege bias in social media, delving into a lawsuit filed by Prager University against YouTube. Prager says the Google-owned platform is “restricting” about 40 of his five-minute videos because they make conservative arguments.

Attkisson, who now hosts a news show that airs on TV stations operated by Sinclair Broadcast Group, spent more than two decades with CBS News and won multiple Emmy Awards, but quit in 2014 after alleging that the network refused to air several of her stories that were critical of Obama, his green-energy agenda, ObamaCare and his handling of an attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya.


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