Artificial Intelligences make deepfakes so perfect even other AIs can't detect them
Artificial Intelligences make deepfakes so perfect even other AIs can't detect them Deepfake propaganda is already being used to try to affect the outcome of the US election – but tomorrow the technology could be used to empty your bank account Artificial Intelligences are now so good at creating ultra-realistic deepfake videos that not even another AI can detect the deception. Researcher Nina Schick, whose book Deep Fakes and the Infocalypse: What You Urgently Need To Know is an urgent wake-up call about the danger to democracy posed by AI, tells Daily Star Online: “Humans will never be able to detect deepfakes… it’s already there – to the naked eye they’re perfect.” And even AI tools won’t be able to spot the fakes. She warns: “You might get to the post where the generators are so perfect that even an AI won’t be able to tell the difference between a real video and a fake video. "That’s already the case with text written by artificial intelligences. No-one can